Post Election Response

 For supporting ourselves as Clinicians- Self care and Reflection:

1.    Join in on the discussions: Online, in person, group supervision. Share your thoughts and stories.
2.    Consider attending upcoming  Clinical Work in The Trump Era: Helping therapists, and clients, Hosted by Stephanie Cook, LCSW online. Nov 30th at 12:00. Check out our Facebook page for more details.
3.    Consider taking a break from the media, news and online exchange. Take time to recover, recharge and spend time in self care.

For supporting our clients:

1.  Helping clients with Fear and Anxiety:

2. Strategies for Talking with Clients specifically about the Trump election results:

“The theme is how to have conversations that allow issues in the public world to be part of the personal conversations we have in therapy.“

3. Tips for ourselves and our clients for overcoming Fear

4.  12-steps to dealing with election loss:

“Millions of Americans recently learned their candidate for president lost. Donald Trump’s win spurred outrage and threats to leave America from opposing voters. Before we heal as a nation, we’ve got to start healing as individuals. It will take patience, empathy and effort. To help with that, USA TODAY sought out expert advice on how to deal with post-election dejection.”

To hear more from social work bodies and other mental health professionals:

1)     Dr. Julie Gottman’s personal statement of concern about this election: The State of Our Union

2)    NASW’s statement on the election:

“The NASW Code of Ethics makes clear the importance of social justice. We cannot support any efforts to marginalize or oppress any group of people, and will always work to assure that human rights extend to everyone.”

3) NASW Massachusetts Letter to Membership

“As Social Workers and human beings, we need first, to come together to mourn, heal and support one another. We are stronger together and when ready, we must leverage our collective strength to mobilize. We are a powerful force for humanity and social justice, collaboration and inclusion.”

For getting involved directly with our leadership and government:

1.    Get involved with GSCSW legislative committee. On a local level learn and explore ways to advocate.

2.     Call your representatives and tell them what you think: Calls to your representatives get the attention of staffers who share their experiences with their bosses. Let’s make our voices heard. Use the link below to find your representatives and share your opinions about how the current administration is shaping up.

3.    Attend local chapter meetings: Find a cause and attend a local chapter meeting.

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